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This image is a link and it will open Stroke Nursing Certification Review in EBSCOHost.

Stroke Nursing Certification Review

Stroke Nursing Certification Review is designed to help nurses prepare for the high-stakes SCRN® certification exam. This comprehensive study aid includes concise review content as well as updated Q&A.

This image is a link and it will open the Infusion Nursing Standards of Practice published in the Journal of Infusion Nursing.

Infusion nursing standards of practice, 9th edition

The Standards is an essential resource for those who practice infusion therapy. It is used to define and develop organizational infusion-based policies and procedures for all practice settings.

This image is a link and it will open the 2023-2024 Perianesthesia Nursing Standards, Practice Recommendations and Interpretive Statements in R2Library.

2023-2024 Perianesthesia Nursing Standards, Practice Recommendations and Interpretive Statements

This publication provides a framework for the expanding scope of care for a diverse patient population across all peri-anesthesia settings inclusive of all ages and all phases of care.

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Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy Guidelines and Recommendations for Practice (2023)

This is the second edition of the Oncology Nurse Society's guidance and recommendations for nurses on medications used in cancer treatment, including information on managing toxicities.

This image is a link and it will open Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques in Clinical Key for Nursing.

Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques, 11th edition

In this eleventh edition of Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques each chapter opens by introducing key concepts: Practice Standards integrated within the skills, Principles for Practice, Person-Centered Care, Evidence-Based Practice, and Safety Guidelines. These are streamlined into a quick, easy-to-read bulleted format. 

This image is a link and it will open Evidence-Based Practice in Action in R2Library.

Evidence-Based Practice in Action

This book offers a proven, detailed plan to help nurses and healthcare professionals promote and achieve EBP adoption and implementation.

This image is a link and it will open Motivational Interviewing in Proquest EbookCentral.

Motivational Interviewing: helping people change and grow, 4th edition

This is the authoritative presentation of motivational interviewing (MI), the powerful approach to facilitating change.

Standards for Professional Registered Nurse Staffing for Perinatal Units

AWHONN’s Standards for Professional Registered Nurse Staffing for Perinatal Units provides health care leaders with a vetted tool to justify the measures needed to reach appropriate nursing levels that ensure safe and appropriate staffing to promote high-quality care and the best possible outcomes.

Nursing Focused eBooks

Ambulatory Nursing Cancer Nursing Cardiac Nursing Critical Care Nursing Emergency Nursing General Nursing Geriatric Nursing Holistic Nursing Maternal Nursing Medical-Surgical Nursing Medication Management Mental Health Nursing Neurosurgical Nursing Nursing Diagnosis Nutrition Pediatric Nursing Perioperative Nursing Professional Development

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