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Improving health literacy in community populations: a review of progress. Nutbeam D, McGill B, Premkumar P.Health Promot Int. 2018 Oct 1;33(5):901-911. doi: 10.1093/heapro/dax015. PMID: 28369557

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Guidelines to Go

Check out this new feature from R2 Library called Guidelines to Go. A  one-stop shop for all of our guidelines and standards from the R2 Library. 




Allina Health Authors

A running list of published article references from the current year in PubMed authored by Allina Health clinicians and staff from one or more hospitals, clinics, or foundations.

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Library Update

Please check out our new monthly Library Update! We will feature short articles and library tips and tricks each month. You can also subscribe to our blog to receive email updates!

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MLA Protecting Access to Health Information

Protecting Access to Health Information: the Critical Role of Libraries, NLM, and NIH Funding

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Leadership in the Literature

Leadership in the Literature is a list of recent leadership and management articles that will update monthly on the Leadership Resources subject guide. 

UpToDate PubMed Micromedex ClinicalKey for Nursing NatMed Pro Sanford Guide Stewardship Assist Clinical Skills CINAHL A-Z Databases