The interdisciplinary field of humanities in medicine (also known as health humanities) includes the intersection of the fields of the arts, humanities, and social sciences through the lens of health and healthcare. Exploration of the health experience into these areas provides, among other things, the opportunity for both practicing and future healthcare providers to delve into aspects of provider-patient communication, social determinants of health, cultural sensitivity, patient perspectives, implicit bias, professionalism, resiliency, patient- and family-centered care that generate enhanced critical analysis, dialogue, observation, and reflection. The goal is to enhance patient and provider well-being.
Medical students watch and discuss films about illness experiences. Physical therapy students observe visual art to build observational/analytical skills that transfer to the clinic. Pharmacy students read a book written from the patient perspective and discuss it in small groups. Nursing students write reflectively about hospice experiences. All of these approaches incorporate aspects of health humanities.
This Guide provides links and resources on some aspects of humanities in medicine.