Leadership in the Literature: Updated Monthly

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profile-icon Carissa Tomlinson

Welcome to Leadership in the Literature, a roundup of recent articles/multimedia on leading and managing from Allina Health Library Services

  1. The impact of transformational leadership style on nurses' job satisfaction: An integrative review. | Gebreheart - 2023 | Sage Open Nursing
    The argument about whether leadership style affects nurses’ job satisfaction is centered around the impact of different leadership styles on the work environment and the quality of care provided by nurses. Therefore, this review was primarily aimed at assessing the impact of transformational leadership style on the job satisfaction of hospital nurses.
  2. 'What matters to staff programme': Eight steps to improve staff well-being at work| Turner - 2025 | BMJ Lead
    The What Matters to Staff programme was designed at the Royal Free Hospital to address a key priority of improving workforce well-being. The initial aim was to set up a programme that responded to what mattered to staff and could be spread to 70 teams across the hospital within 2 years. Over the past 2 years, the programme has given staff the opportunity to have their voice heard and has supported leaders to ask, listen and do what matters most for their teams. This has led to improved workforce metrics and the programme being widely scaled and spread.
  3.  Leaders shouldn’t try to do it all | Lafley - 2025 | Harvard Business Review
    (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN)
    The authors, a former CEO of Procter & Gamble and a former dean of the Rotman School, respectively, frequently find themselves sitting across the table from overwhelmed leaders. These executives are trying to improve or turn around an organization or the piece of it they head. They all face a long—and typically lengthening—list of important items on their to-do lists. They all understand that the job of a leader involves working intensely hard. But for many of them the current state feels like too much—and it's getting worse. The problem here is that whereas a company can always expand capacity to meet increasing demand, a leader's hours are constrained by nature: As the saying goes, there are only so many hours in a day. Many leaders think they can get more done if they simply work harder and longer. But in due course they tire, their overall productivity falls, and they risk burning themselves out and exiting. In this article the authors, drawing on their own experience and that of CEOs they have advised, explain how to escape that trap.
  4. Understanding what leaders can do to facilitate healthcare workers' feeling valued: Improving our knowledge of the strongest burnout mitigator| Stillman - 2024 | BMJ Lead
    Feeling valued is a striking mitigator of burnout yet how to facilitate healthcare workers (HCWs) feeling valued has not been adequately studied. This study discovered factors relating to HCWs feeling valued so leaders can mitigate burnout and retain their workforce.
  5. What is the impact of leaders with emotional intelligence on proxy performance metrics in 21st century healthcare? -A systematic literature review | Chaudry - 2024 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
    To manage the employee experience, leaders must deeply understand employees' perceptions, feelings, and desires and respond thoughtfully. This is particularly crucial when immense resources are invested in gathering employee feedback through pulse surveys, town halls, and data scraping from internal communications. But leaders are often overwhelmed by the data and struggle to translate it into actionable insights. The authors conducted detailed interviews with executives and HR leaders from more than 20 multinational companies in sectors such as technology, financial services, and consumer goods. Their work reveals that although technology has simplified the collection of data, the real challenge lies in making sense of it and integrating it into a coherent strategy.
  6. Guidance for successful healthcare transformation: A systematic review of change management practices and outcomes | Hastings- 2025 | Australian Journal of Management
    The increasing pace of healthcare transformation places emphasis on how to enact it. However, there is a difference between healthcare commentators and policymakers regarding preferred change management practice; policy guidance is rooted in diagnostic practices, whereas  commentators suggest that dialogic is a more appropriate practice for ensuring success. What is missing from this debate is evidence to inform whether commentators’ suggestions will increase the likelihood of successful transformation outcomes. This study presents a systematic review of change management practices and outcomes, identifying 10 papers that report on 292 cases of transformation. It finds broad support that dialogic increases the likelihood of successful transformation, providing supporting evidence for updating healthcare policy and practice.
  7. How to marry process management and AI | Davenport- 2025 | Harvard Business Review 
    (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN)
    Process management, which swept the business world in the 1990s and then fell out of favor, is experiencing a renaissance, thanks to AI. The two reinforce each other: AI helps firms significantly scale up improved processes, and well-managed processes make it easier to obtain the high-quality data needed to train AI. Combining them can generate huge productivity gains—but it requires a lot of change management. In this article the authors outline seven steps companies can follow to bring together people, data, analytics, and technology—in particular, AI—to revamp processes and achieve increasingly higher business performance


  1. Leading from within: Cultivating effective leadership and followership in health care | 2025 | NEJM Catalyst (article with audio)
    This discussion highlights the importance of recognizing that everyone can engage in leading within their roles, while also addressing the crucial skills of followership and the need for clarity in leadership roles to foster effective teamwork and improve patient outcomes.

  2. Addressing mental health disparities among racial and ethnic minorities | 2024 |American Hospital Association - Advancing Health (podcast)
    We humans are a social species, and so it’s not surprising that we care a lot about what other people think of us. It’s also not surprising that many of us stumble when we try to manage others’ views of us. This week, organizational psychologist Alison Fragale explains why that is, and offers better ways to win friends and influence people.

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profile-icon Carissa Tomlinson

Welcome to Leadership in the Literature, a roundup of recent articles/multimedia on leading and managing from Allina Health Library Services

  1. Health care leadership in the AI era: A seventh test for the decade | Lee - 2024 | NEJM Catalyst
    AI poses challenges and opportunities that require qualitative change in the skills of leaders of health care organizations. It remains essential that leaders have expertise in operational excellence and strategy, but now they must add management of “breakthrough innovation” and leadership of the culture change necessary to take full advantage of AI. AI has the potential to help address several of the “problems with no solution” that currently challenge health care. Leaders who can move quickly and effectively will bring their organizations important competitive advantage.
  2. Effectiveness of individual-based strategies to reduce nurse burnout: An umbrella review. | Hsu - 2024 | Journal of Nurse Management
    This umbrella review aims to comprehensively synthesize and analyze the findings of available systematic reviews on the effectiveness of individual-based strategies for reducing nurse burnout occurring in hospital-based settings.
  3. Work-related impacts on doctors' mental health: A qualitative study exploring organisational and systems-level risk factors| Lunnay - 2024 | BMJ Open
    This study highlights how doctors experience layers of interconnected factors that compromise their mental health but over which they have very little control. Interventions must therefore address these issues at organisational and systemic levels, for which starting points evident within our data are identified.
  4.  We're still lonely at work | Noonan Hadley - 2024 | Harvard Business Review
    (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN)
    In recent years, the huge impact that work loneliness is having on healthcare costs, absenteeism, and turnover has received widespread attention. Despite growing awareness, the problem remains, with one in five employees worldwide feeling lonely at work. In this article, the authors debunk myths about work loneliness, such as the belief that in-person work or team assignments can solve the issue. They emphasize that loneliness is not just a personal problem but also an organizational one, influenced by the work environment. Practical actions that employers can take to reduce work loneliness include measuring loneliness, designing slack in workflows, creating a culture of connection, and building social activities into the rhythm of work. Simple activities like communal lunches and happy hours are particularly appreciated by employees of all types. Work loneliness is an epidemic, but a cure is within reach, the authors contend. By helping employees make social connections, companies build a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce.
  5. Characteristics of leadership competency in nurse managers: A scoping review | Perez-Gonzalez- 2024 | Journal of Nursing Management
    This article aims to identify the characteristics of leadership competency for the nurse manager and describe the most cited leadership styles in the literature.
  6. Implementing anti-racism interventions in healthcare settings: A scoping review | Hassan - 2024 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
    To manage the employee experience, leaders must deeply understand employees' perceptions, feelings, and desires and respond thoughtfully. This is particularly crucial when immense resources are invested in gathering employee feedback through pulse surveys, town halls, and data scraping from internal communications. But leaders are often overwhelmed by the data and struggle to translate it into actionable insights. The authors conducted detailed interviews with executives and HR leaders from more than 20 multinational companies in sectors such as technology, financial services, and consumer goods. Their work reveals that although technology has simplified the collection of data, the real challenge lies in making sense of it and integrating it into a coherent strategy
  7. Practice being a leader with vision | Steinbock - 2024 | Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing
    Successful leaders who consistently make great decisions are skilled at seeing and considering a 
    diverse set of options. This column explores how maintaining a broad field of vision helps leaders recognize possibilities and offers an exercise for practicing and developing this skill





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profile-icon Carissa Tomlinson

Welcome to Leadership in the Literature, a roundup of recent articles/multimedia on leading and managing from Allina Health Library Services

  1. Exploring the dimensions of authentic leadership and its impact on nursing outcomes : An integrative review | Huges - 2024 | Nursing Mangement
    Based on this comprehensive literature review, a clear and compelling body of evidence illustrates the substantial influence of authentic leadership to positively impact nurse well-being, quality of work culture and environment dynamics, and patient safety and quality outcomes.
  2. Your team members aren't participating in meetings. Here's what to do. | Valasquez - 2024 | Harvard Business Review
    (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN). 
    This article discusses the issue of low team participation in meetings and provides strategies for leaders to address this problem. Research has shown that many people find meetings unproductive and leaders often lack formal training on how to conduct effective meetings. The article suggests that leaders should focus on fostering a safe and inclusive team culture by understanding individual and group dynamics. 
  3. Mapping leadership, communication and collaboration in short-term distributed teams across various contexts: A scoping review | Morian - 2024 | BMJ Open
    Increased globalisation and technological advancements have led to the emergence of distributed teams in various sectors, including healthcare. However, our understanding of how leadership, communication and collaboration influence distributed healthcare teams remains limited.
  4. The nurse as coach: Building high performing teams | O'Grady - 2024 | Nursing Administration Quarterly
    The provision of modern health care in the United States faces significant challenges, as evidenced by multiple national reports of a workforce in distress. In response to these challenges, the practice of coaching emerges as a transformative skill, recommended for individuals in high-stress environments. Coaching in health care focuses on developing nurses and building teams by fostering self-understanding, deploying strengths, improving relational strategies, and gaining moral clarity. It serves as a potent strategy for nurse leaders to navigate the complexities of their systems. This paper explores the practice of coaching as an important mindset and skill. A coaching mindset is characterized by trust, deep listening, curiosity, embracing both/and thinking, discernment over judgment, and fosters an environment where nurses can flourish. 
  5. Unequal treatment: Disparities in care continue | Wilkins - 2024 | NEJM Catalyst
    A survey of the NEJM Catalyst Insights Council finds that views on inequities in care delivery vary according to race and ethnicity.
  6. Nurse manager success factors: The foundation for succession planning | Magri - 2024 | Nurse Leader
    An estimated 70,000 nurses, including nurse leaders, are expected to retire annually. Proactive succession planning programs are key mitigation strategies for this impending shortage of nurse leaders. Determining success factors that support a program to develop future nurse managers is the first step and lays a foundation for succession planning. Convening focus groups among current nurse managers to identify, in their own words, what it takes to be a successful nurse manager, and mapping those factors to the academic health system behavioral competencies and American Organization for Nursing Leadership manager competencies created the foundation for an established succession planning program.
  7. Turn employee feedback into action | Burris - 2024 | Harvard Business Review
    (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN)
    To manage the employee experience, leaders must deeply understand employees' perceptions, feelings, and desires and respond thoughtfully. This is particularly crucial when immense resources are invested in gathering employee feedback through pulse surveys, town halls, and data scraping from internal communications. But leaders are often overwhelmed by the data and struggle to translate it into actionable insights. The authors conducted detailed interviews with executives and HR leaders from more than 20 multinational companies in sectors such as technology, financial services, and consumer goods. Their work reveals that although technology has simplified the collection of data, the real challenge lies in making sense of it and integrating it into a coherent strategy
  8. A pragmatic approach to assessing supervisor leadership capability to support healthcare worker well-being | Dyrbye - 2024 | Journal of Healthcare Management 
    (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN)
    Goal: We sought to build upon previous studies that have demonstrated how healthcare workers' ratings of their immediate supervisor's leadership capabilities relate to their well-being and job satisfaction.


  1. Empowering women in healthcare: Leadership and insights | Healthcare Executive (Podcast)
    Jessica Long, COO, and Rachel Thompson, MD, CMO, Core Clinical Partners, discuss their career journeys, the future of healthcare leadership for women and the essential skill needed to be successful in the field.

  2. How to win people over | Hidden Brain (Podcast)
    We humans are a social species, and so it’s not surprising that we care a lot about what other people think of us. It’s also not surprising that many of us stumble when we try to manage others’ views of us. This week, organizational psychologist Alison Fragale explains why that is, and offers better ways to win friends and influence people.




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profile-icon Carissa Tomlinson

Welcome to Leadership in the Literature, a roundup of recent articles/multimedia on leading and managing from Allina Health Library Services

  1. Coaching to develop leadership of healthcare managers: a mixed-methods systematic review | Hu - 2024 - BMC Medical Education 
    Coaching is commonly used to facilitate leadership development among healthcare managers. However, there is limited knowledge of the components of coaching interventions and their impacts on healthcare managers’ leadership development. This mixed-methods systematic review aimed to synthesize evidence of coaching to develop leadership among healthcare managers.

  2. A Pragmatic Approach to Assessing Supervisor Leadership Capability to Support Healthcare Worker Well-Being | Dyrbye - 2024 | Journal of Healthcare Management
    (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN). 
    We sought to build upon previous studies that have demonstrated how healthcare workers’ ratings of their immediate supervisor’s leadership capabilities relate to their well-being and job satisfaction

  3. Racism, Equity, and Inclusion: Can Clinical Simulation Train Health Care Workers to Build an Anti-Racism Culture?|  Aga -2024 | NEJM Catalyst
    Clinical care delivery continues to suffer from biased social norms, stigma, and racism. Innovative approaches to being prepared for these experiences when they arise are needed. The goal of the HealthPartners Institute’s Clinical Simulation program is, in part, to train clinicians and newly graduated registered nurses entering clinical practice to be prepared for racist care delivery encounters and to implement anti-racism interventions as part of their daily work. A component of the initiative is an educational, instructor-led clinical simulation modality that includes a curriculum with application scenarios. In addition, after the simulation scenarios, a debrief session ensures the opportunity for reflection (as individuals and care team members), discussion (to tease apart distinct ideas/elements), and dialogue (to bring together insights for a shared perspective). Participants express support for this simulation methodology in trainings designed to support anti-racism as well as other stigmas and biases.

  4. The Psychology Behind Meeting Overload. | Whillans -2024 | Harvard Business Review
    (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN). 
    This article presents psychological pitfalls that lead to the scheduling and attending of too many meetings in the workplace and how to avoid this meeting overload. Topics include overcoming the fear of missing out in the context of meetings, incentivizing hitting deadlines without check-in meetings, and the mere urgency effect.

  5. Examining the Relationship between Workplace Fun and Innovative Behavior among Nurses: The Mediating Effect of Innovation Support and Affective Commitment | Hashemian - 2024 | Journal of Nursing Management  
    Aim. This study investigated the role of cultural, organizational, and managerial support, workplace fun, affective commitment, innovative behavior with innovative output, and also the mediating role of innovative behavior in the framework of a causal model. 

  6. Impact of Collaborative Leadership, Workplace Social Capital, and Interprofessional Collaboration Practice on Patient Safety Climate | Kida - 2024 | Journal of Health Care Quality
    Patient safety climate is an important factor in promoting patient safety for healthcare organizations. This study investigated the relationship between collaborative leadership and patient safety climate, the mediation effect of workplace social capital, or interprofessional collaboration practice.

  7. Stop Playing Favorites | Ginka – 2024 | Harvard Business Review
    (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN). 
    Although most managers believe that they give each of their team members equal attention, respect, and consideration, four decades’ worth of empirical research says otherwise. Studies show that nearly all bosses have—or are seen to have—in-groups and out-groups. Employees on the wrong side of these divides experience a reduction in engagement, satisfaction, commitment, citizenship, innovation, and performance. Bosses usually argue that any differentiation is unintended and that their reports are reading too much into minor disparities. Both claims might be true. However, it is the view from below that counts. Perceived unfairness is real in its consequences. Managers should first acknowledge these issues and then work hard to head off or repair conflict. Those who don’t may lose key contributors they’d prefer to retain, exacerbate the challenges presented by underperformers, ruin team performance and morale, and hurt their own reputations. Start by regularly reviewing your treatment of team members. Ask yourself: Did I seek everyone’s company? Did I acknowledge their capabilities? Did I assist their growth? If you are routinely answering no for certain subordinates, they need more attention from you. When a relationship has already gone off the rails, it’s important to rectify the problem: Prepare for a direct conversation, engage empathetically, and then make a plan for how you’ll interact with one another in the future.

  8. Using Artificial Intelligence in Electronic Health Record Systems to Mitigate Physician Burnout: A Roadmap | Fawzy – 2024 – Journal of Healthcare Management
    (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN). 
    Physician burnout, a significant problem in modern healthcare, adversely affects healthcare professionals and their organizations. This essay explores the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to positively address this issue through its integration into the electronic health record and the automation of administrative tasks. Recent initiatives and research highlight the positive impact of AI assistants in alleviating physician burnout and suggest solutions to enhance physician well-being. By examining the causes and consequences of burnout, the promise of AI in healthcare, and its integration into electronic health record systems, this essay explores how AI can not only reduce physician burnout but also improve the efficiency of healthcare organizations. A roadmap provides a visualization of how AI could be integrated into electronic health records during the previsit, visit, and postvisit stages of a clinical encounter.


  1. Innovation 2.0: The Influence You Have | Hidden Brain Media (Podcast)
    Think about the last time you asked someone for something. Maybe you were nervous or worried about what the person would think of you. Chances are that you didn’t stop to think about the pressure you were exerting on that person. This week, we continue our Innovation 2.0 series with a 2020 episode about a phenomenon known as as “egocentric bias.” We talk with psychologist Vanessa Bohns about how this bias leads us astray, and how we can use this knowledge to ask for the things we need.

  2. Why Meetings Suck and How to Fix Them | WorkLife with Adam Grant (Podcast)
    Meetings often drain our joy and sap our focus – and meeting overload kills productivity. So why do we have so many of them, and is a better world possible? Adam investigates the science of improving meetings and explores how workplaces are fighting meeting bloat.  




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profile-icon Carissa Tomlinson

Welcome to Leadership in the Literature, a roundup of recent articles/multimedia on leading and managing from Allina Health Library Services

  1. Effective Behaviors of Leaders During Clinical Emergencies: A Qualitative Study of Followers' Perspectives – Steinbach – 2024 – Chest
    To manage a clinical emergency effectively, physicians need well-developed leadership skills, yet limited structured leadership training is available for critical care trainees. To develop an effective curriculum, leadership competencies first must be defined. Research Question: “During clinical emergencies, what leadership behaviors do followers value?”
  2. The Role of Nursing Leadership in Dismantling Racism in Nursing: A Call to Action – Bland -2024 – Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services
    Racism is a structural determinant of health that affects mental health outcomes in the United States and globally. Nursing leaders must respond to a call to action to address racism in nursing. The purpose of the current article is to present evidence-based, race-conscious strategies for nurses in leadership roles to identify, challenge, and mitigate racism in nursing education and practice. Building on a theoretical framework, we share essential diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategies for dismantling racism in nursing. These DEI strategies include: (1) critical self-reflection, (2) mutual respect and recognition, (3) challenging White privilege, (4) leveraging available resources, (5) intentional advocacy/strategic planning, and (6) continuing education. The work of this American Nurses Association (ANA)–Illinois DEI Expert Panel is presented as an example of a statewide initiative to promote a greater understanding of the global history of racialization and challenge nursing leaders to act now to eliminate the contemporary effects of racism in the nursing profession. To truly challenge and mitigate racist practices, nursing leadership must be proactively engaged and have a strategic action plan in place to confront structural racism.

  3. Developing Leadership Competencies for an Uncertain Future – Friedman – 2024 - Healthcare Executive
    (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN). 
    The article focuses on the need for healthcare leaders to proactively prepare for future uncertainties by developing new leadership competencies. Topics include fostering emotional and social intelligence, thinking holistically about organizational systems, and addressing the need for strategic workforce development through mentoring and executive coaching.

  4. New Rules for Teamwork – Dawson – 2024 - Harvard Business Review 
    (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN). 
    Not that long ago, teams were typically composed of people with similar skills working in the same place. Their efforts were based on the idea that by working together in a well-managed process, they could deliver replicable results. Today, companies of all types are called on to demonstrate integrated, cross-functional, project-based teamwork in their operations. New ideas about teamwork are emerging, some based on experience, some guided by new practices, some made up on the fly. But none of this has yet cohered into a systematic approach to improving how teams work. In this article, the authors set out new principles of teamwork that focus on continuous, real-time testing, learning, analysis, adaptation, and improvement.

  5. Secrets of Successful Delegation – Pollock – 2024 - Supervision
    (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN). 
    This article discusses the benefits of delegation in improving productivity and identifying leaders within a department. It addresses common reasons why managers may be reluctant to delegate, such as fear of failure or fear of their employees being promoted. The article provides a seven-step approach to effective delegation, including delegating the right function, planning the job, establishing standards, implementing feedback and control procedures, selecting the right person, creating an assignment description, and giving the assignment. The article also touches on the importance of considering the company's perspective when making employee transfers and provides tips for hiring key personnel. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of being helpful to others and provides a self-evaluation checklist to determine if one is qualified to offer assistance. Lastly, the article encourages individuals to seek out responsibility as a way to demonstrate self-confidence and stand out from their peers.
  6. Diversifying Healthcare Leadership in the US – Dolinta – 2024 - Nursing Management 
    Fostering a diverse and inclusive healthcare leadership workforce requires that organizations and individuals proactively assess and reduce existing barriers. Diverse healthcare leadership is integral to addressing population disparities and achieving health equity.

  7. Nursing Leaders’ Knowledge and Awareness of Bullying and Lateral Violence: A Qualitative Study – Luca – 2024 – Sage Open Nursing
    Bullying and lateral violence are prevalent phenomena within the nursing profession, exerting significant impacts on patient safety, the nursing profession and the organisation. The pivotal role of nurse leaders is paramount in both the prevention and resolution of these issues.
  8. Insights Report - Unequal Treatment: Disparities in Care Continue – Wilkins – 2024 – NEJM Catalyst
    A survey of the NEJM Catalyst Insights Council finds that views on inequities in care delivery vary according to race and ethnicity.


  1. Are You Ready to Be a Leader? (hbr.org) | HBR on Leadership Podcast 
    What distinguishes a leader? How do you know if you’re ready to lead? And how do you make the transition into a leadership role?

    The shift from being part of a team to leading one isn’t like flipping a switch. It’s a process, and it can be awkward. It can be especially difficult your identity differs from other leaders in your organization — for example, if you’re a young leader in an organization dominated by older leaders, or a woman in a male-dominated organization.

    In this episode, two leadership coaches, Amy Su and Muriel Wilkins of Paravis Partners, explain how to develop a leadership presence that’s both authentic to you and resonates with others. You’ll also learn some deeper questions to ask yourself during your transition into leadership.

  2. How to talk about mental health at work (Transcript) (ted.com) (Podcast)
    On this show, we believe that meaningful change happens fast. Anything is fixable and good solutions are usually just a single brave conversation away.

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profile-icon Carissa Tomlinson

Welcome to Leadership in the Literature, a roundup of recent articles/multimedia on leading and managing from Allina Health Library Services

  1. ‘I need support in becoming the leader I would like to be’ – A qualitative descriptive study of nurses newly appointed to positions of leadership - Skarstein - 2024 - Nursing Open
    The aim of the study was to understand the experiences of nurses who were newly appointed to a position of leadership including facilitators and barriers to success and what they considered important for the development of their role.
  2. Daily strengths use and work performance: A selfdetermination perspective - Moore - 2024 - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
    Drawing on self-determination theory, this study examines how using personal strengths at work in the morning is associated with different types of performance throughout the workday. Momentary satisfaction of the needs for autonomy, relatedness and competence are proposed as mechanisms that differentially link strengths use to four different performance outcomes: task accomplishment, goal attainment, organizational citizenship behaviour and counterproductive work behaviour.

  3. Autism spectrum disorder in the workplace: A position paper to support an inclusive and neurodivergent approach to work participation and engagement -Zhou – 2024- Discover Psychology 
    Autistic individuals often experience a wide range of barriers and challenges with employment across their lifetime. Despite their strengths and abilities to contribute to the workforce, many individuals experience unemployment, underemployment and malemployment. However, current supports and services are often inadequate to meet their needs. To allow autistic people to achieve vocational success, we explore four contributors to employment and expand upon the issues and potential solutions to each. 

  4. When your employee feels angry, sad, or dejected: The right-and wrong way to respond – Bradley – Harvard Business Review (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN). 
    Dealing with the negative emotions of employees isn’t easy, but knowing what to do or say can make a huge difference to their well-being, the quality of your relationships with them, and team performance. The trouble is, many leaders fail to respond at all because they think discussing emotions at work is unprofessional or worry they don’t have the right to intervene in personal matters. That’s a mistake. Research shows that teams whose leaders acknowledge members’ emotions perform significantly better than teams whose leaders don’t. In this article the authors offer a road map for providing employees emotional support.

  5. How to use communities of practice to support change in learning health systems: A landscape of roles and guidance for management - Brooks - 2024 - Learning Health Systems Communities of practice support evidence-based practice and can be, in and of themselves, applied learning spaces in organizations. However, the variety of ways that communities of practice can support learning health systems are poorly characterized. Furthermore, health system leaders have little guidance on designing and resourcing communities of practice to effectively serve learning health systems.

  6. A new paradigm for nurse leader decision making within complex adaptive systems – Watson – 2024 - Nursing Administration Quarterly
    Health care is a complex and ever-changing environment for nurse leaders and other health care industry decision-makers. The prevailing leadership and decision-making models, rooted in Industrial Age principles, often struggle to adapt to the complexities of modern health care. This article explores the foundations of complexity science and its application to health care decision-making, highlighting the importance of understanding systems dynamics and embracing complexity. 

  7. Proactive behaviors and health care workers: A systematic review – Lai – 2024 - Health Care Management Review
    Proactive behaviors at work refer to discretionary actions among workers that are self-starting, change oriented, and future focused. Proactive behaviors reflect the idiosyncratic actions by individual workers that shape the delivery and experience of professional services, highlight a bottom-up perspective on workers’ agency and motivation that can influence organizational practices, and are associated with a variety of employee and organizational outcomes.


  1. When your employee Is underperforming | Harvard Business Review IdeaCast (podcast)
    Many managers struggle with initiating difficult conversations around an individual’s subpar performance. Often, leaders wait way too long to sit down with an employee who isn’t meeting expectations. Leadership coach Jenny Fernandez says that increasing the frequency of feedback and consciously developing better relationships with direct reports help make these conversations easier to start. And she shares how the right preparation, tone, and open-minded approach lead to more effective discussions that improve not just the one-on-one relationship, but also team morale and turnover rates. 
  2. Valerie Montgomery Rice: How to break through fear and become a leader | TED Talk (video)
    Vigilance. Grit. Resilience. Valerie Montgomery Rice, the president and CEO of Morehouse School of Medicine, shares where she learned these key qualities of successful leadership, offering three lessons for anyone who wants to overcome their fears, stand up for what’s right and build opportunity for all.

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profile-icon Carissa Tomlinson

Welcome to Leadership in the Literature, a roundup of recent articles/multimedia on leading and managing from Allina Health Library Services

  1. Kteily, N., & Finkel, E. J. (2022). Leadership in a politically charged age. Harvard Business Review, 100(4), 108–117. (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN).
  2. Russell, E., Jackson, T. W., Fullman, M., & Chamakiotis, P. (2024). Getting on top of work-email: A systematic review of 25years of research to understand effective work-email activity. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 97, 74103. 
  3. Waite, R., Beard, K., & Alexander, R. (2024). Anti-black racism and nursing leadership. Nurse Leader, 22(2), 140-145.
  4. Zak, P. J. (2023). The neuroscience of trust. Harvard Business Review, 26–31. (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN).
  5. Usset, T. J., Stratton, G. R., Knapp, S., Schwartzman, G., Yadav, S. K., Schaefer, B. J., & Harris, J. I. Fitchett, G. (2024) Factors associated with healthcare clinician stress and resilience: A scoping review. Journal of Healthcare Management 69(1), 12-28, 
  6. Hedenstrom, M., Toney, S., Knotts, K., Talton, E., Ndungu, J., Noble, C., Spiva, L., Hale, G., Taasoobshirazi, G. & Cliett, T. (2024). Lend a helping hand: Mentoring through chaos. Nursing Management, 55(3), 39-48. 
  7. Aga, R.C., Noor, S., Kvalheim, C.S., and Pronk, N.P. (2024). Racism, equity and inclusion: Can clinical simulation train health care workers to build an anti-racism culture? NEJM Catalyst, 5(3), 1-12. 


  1. Tessa West: The problem with being "too nice" at work | TED Talk (video)
  2. What Leadership Looks Like: What it takes to become a more effective leader | TED Radio Hour | NPR (audio)
  3. How to be a ‘supercommunicator’ | Life Kit | NPR (audio)


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profile-icon Carissa Tomlinson

Welcome to Leadership in the Literature, a roundup of recent articles on leading and managing from Allina Health Library Services

  1. Finkel, E. (2024). The science of safety culture: An organization’s approach to safety is only as strong as Its competencies. Healthcare Executive, 39(2), 26–34. (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN).

  2. Compton-Phillips, A. (2024, April). The search for care delivery innovation. NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery, 5(4). 

  3. Stamps, DC. (2024, April). Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging is not a one-time fix: An enduring program requires ongoing efforts by nurse leaders in the workplace. Nurse Leader, 22(2), 211-215. 

  4. Miralles S, Pozo-Hidalgo M, Rodríguez-Sánchez A, & Pessi AB. (2024, April). Leading matters! Linking compassion and mindfulness in organizations through servant leadership. Frontiers in Psychology 8(15), 1-10.

  5. Cohen C, Pignata S, Bezak E, Tie M, Childs J. (2023, June 29). Workplace interventions to improve well-being and reduce burnout for nurses, physicians and allied healthcare professionals: A systematic review. BMJ Open, 13(6), 1-23.

  6. Kuper, H., Azizatunnisa, L., Gatta, DR., Rotenberg S., Banks LM., Smythe T., & Heydt P. (2024) Building disability-inclusive health systems. Lancet Public Health, 9(5), e316-e325. 

  7. Martin, C. (2024, February). Strengthening your resiliency muscle to promote your relationship with yourself. Nursing Management 55(2), 12-14. 

  8. O’Hara, C. (2023, Winter). Proven ways to earn your employees’ trust. Harvard Business Review 82–85. (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN).

  9. Halliwell PR., Mitchell RJ., & Boyle B. (December 6, 2023) Leadership effectiveness through coaching: Authentic and change-oriented leadership. PLoS One, 18(12), 1-17.

  10. Mohtady Ali H, Ranse J, Roiko A, & Desha C. (2023, January 22). Enabling transformational leadership to foster disaster-resilient hospitals. Institutional Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 1-17.

For additional leadership resources? Check out the Leadership subject guide on the Library Services website.

Need help finding literature on another topic? Request a literature search or email us at library@allina.com

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profile-icon Carissa Tomlinson

Welcome to Leadership in the Literature, a roundup of recent articles on leading and managing from Allina Health Library Services.

  1. Kumar, S. (2024). Psychological safety: What it is, why teams need it, and how to make it flourish. Chest, 165(4), 942–949.
  2. King, S., Roberts-Turner, R., & Floyd, T. T. (2024). Inclusive leadership: A framework to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and cultivate belonging. Nurse Leader, 22(2), 132–139. 
  3. Newstrom, J. W., Gardner, D. G., & Pierce, J. L. (2024). A neglected supervisory role: Building self-esteem at work. Supervision, 85(4), 3–6. (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN).
  4. Moss, J. (2024). Beyond burned out. Harvard Business Review, 78–85. (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN).
  5. Traversi, D. M. (2024). Eight drivers of the high impact leader. Supervision, 85(2), 16–19. (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN).
  6. Ennis, K., & Brown-DeVeaux, D. (2024). How can organizations support a culture of care? Nursing Clinics of North America, 59(1), 131–139. 
  7. Fayard, A.-L., Majekodunmi, J., Mendola, M., & Kenny, R. (2024). Nurturing innovation. Harvard Business Review, 102(2), 88–97. (Available in MN only, email library@allina.com for a copy outside of MN).
  8. Schmidt, A., Marshall, D., Raso, R., Sintich, M., Poch, N., & Joseph, M. L. (2024). A culture of inquiry: Practice-based knowledge for nurse leaders. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 54(4), 240–246.
  9. Mousa M, Garth B, Boyle JA, Riach K, Teede HJ. (2024). Experiences of organizational practices that advance women in health care leadership. JAMA Network Open, 6(3), e233532. 
  10. Zhongmin Wang, Zhou Jiang, & Blackman, A. (2024). Why and when do emotionally intelligent employees perform safely? The roles of thriving at work and career adaptability. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 73(2), 723–747. 

For additional leadership resources? Check out the Leadership subject guide on the Library Services website
Need help finding literature on another topic? Request a literature search or email us at library@allina.com

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